8 (863) 226-00-05
older 12 years
till 12 years
from 5 till 12 years
till 2 years

Ensuring transport and aviation safety at the airports of the route network

Safety of passengers at the airports of the route network of AZIMUTH Airline JSC is provided by the personnel of aviation safety services of airports.

Citizens departing by flights of AZIMUTH Airline JSC in a mandatory manner must pass the pre-flight inspection.

Rules of pre-flight and post-flight inspections were put into force on July 23, 2015 by the Order №227 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. These rules are compulsory for passengers.

Pre-flight inspection of passengers and baggage, including carried-on luggage, are carried out in order to ensure aviation safety, protection of lives and health of passengers, aircraft crew members and civil aviation personnel, prevent possible attempts of aircraft hijacking (steal) and other acts of illegal interference of criminal elements in the activities of civil aviation, as well as to prevent illegal carriage of weapons, ammunition, explosive, poisonous, flammable and other dangerous substances and items that are not allowed for carriage by air transport according with the conditions of aviation safety. List of dangerous items - Appendix №1 to the Order №104 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Technical and special means are used for the inspection as well as working dogs of police dog units.

At aerodromes of local air lines or landing areas where aviation safety service is not provided, pre-flight inspection can be conducted by the aircraft captain or crew member assigned by him.

Procedure for the conducting of pre-flight inspection

Pre-flight inspection of passengers and baggage, including carry-on luggage, is carried out with the use of technical and special means and (or) by manual (contact) method, and at aerodromes of local air lines or on landing areas where points of inspection are not provided and where are no stationary inspection means, inspection is carried out with metal detector wand and manual (contact) method, and inspection of baggage and carry-on luggage should be carried on only with manual (contact) method.

Pre-flight inspection of the passenger using technical and special means is carried out in the following order:

  • checking the ticket issued in accordance with the established procedure, boarding pass, verification of matching of the document with the identity of passenger at entrance to point of inspection;
  • passenger is asked to declare owned by him items and substances which is not allowed to carry on board of the aircraft, as well as items given by third persons for carriage (parcels, packages, etc.);
  • passenger is asked to extract from clothing owned by him items that contain metal (cigarette cases, keys, packs of cigarettes, etc.), take off the outer clothing (coat, jacket, raincoat, jacket, sweater, cardigan, pullover, etc., headgear), a strap (belt) with a width of more than 4,0 cm or a thickness of more than 0,5 cm, shoes, with the exception of shoes with a heel height of less than 2,5 cm and with a sole thickness of less than 1,0 cm, put everything in trays, baskets and then put them on the conveyor of the X-ray television introscope;
  • passenger is asked to go through the arch of the stationary metal detector;
  • carrying out the examination of the contents of baggage, including carry-on luggage, outerwear (coat, jacket, raincoat, jacket, headgear), belt, shoes.

Actions to be taken in case of triggering of stationary metal detector alarm:

  • precisely revealing of location of metal objects in the clothing of passenger performed by means of a metal detector wand;
  • passenger is asked to repeatedly enter the frame of the stationary metal detector after pulling out and inspection of metal objects;
  • passenger is examined by means of a metal detector wand and a manual (contact) method of inspection if alarm is triggered repeatedly.

Manual (contact) inspection method can be used during the pre-flight inspection of passengers along with the use of technical and special means. Manual (contact) method is carried out at the inspection of:

  • passengers in spacious clothes hiding the outlines of their body;
  • items whose internal content cannot be determined by means of technical and special means;
  • baggage and items of a passenger identified as potentially dangerous;
  • all passengers in case of the heightened threat of an act of unlawful interference with an aircraft conducting a particular flight.

If passenger of aircraft refuses to pass through pre-flight inspection, passanger air carriage contract is deemed as terminated in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article 85 of the Air Code.