Carriage rules of pregnant women
The airline carries out transportation of pregnant women for a period not exceeding 36 weeks of pregnancy, and in case of multiple pregnancy – no later than 32 weeks.
The airline does not carry out transportation of pregnant women since 36th week of pregnancy, with multiple pregnancy – since the end of 32nd week.
In accordance with the Airline rules, pregnant women, at any period of pregnancy, are required to submit a medical assessment report (a certificate from a doctor) and/or an prenatal record (an individual card of a pregnant woman) from a medical institution – documents confirming the absence of contraindication to transportation on the date of flight specified in ticket. The medical certificate must be provided by the attending medical doctor and is valid for 7 days from the date of issue.
In case of absence of a medical report from medical institution, a pregnant woman should make a guarantee liability during check-in airport procedure that the airline is not responsible for adverse effects/health deterioration that may occur to pregnant woman or fetus during and/or as a result of flight.
The carrier has the right to refuse carriage to a pregnant woman if it is regulated by requirements of immigration law of country destination.
According to item 108 of Federal aviation regulation "General rules of air transportation of passengers, baggage, freights and requirements to service of passengers, consignors, consignees " approved by the order of Ministry of transport of Russia on 28.06.2007 No. 82 the passenger is obliged to define independently possibility of using air transport, proceeding from the state of his health. It is responsibility of passenger to inform the Airline of his/her condition at the time of booking / purchasing the ticket or at check-in.
It is not possible to provide specialized medical care on board the aircraft.
World Health Organization does not consider pregnancy as a contraindication to travel by plane. The safest period for flights is the second trimester of pregnancy.
Rules of newborn children transportation
Infants are not allowed for transportation within the first 48 hours after birth.
Transportation of newborn infants under age of seven days is not recommended. The flight can be carried out only if there is a certificate from a medical institution about the absence of contraindications for flight and/or with the obligatory registration of the obligation (receipt) that the Airline is not responsible for adverse effects/ health deterioration that may arise for the newborn during the flight. The receipt is filled in at the airport of departure in two copies, one of which is transferred to the representative of the Airline or the agent for registration, the second copy remains with the passenger accompanying the child.
Transportation of prematurely born children is carried out only in the presence of a medical certificate from a pediatrician about the absence of contraindication to flight.
We draw your attention to the fact that ticketing for a baby is mandatory and it is made only according to valid child certificate of birth (or passport for flights to Yerevan, Bishkek).
- Documents and regulations for passengers
- Charter flights
- Military Travel Certificate
- Comfort
- Extension of registration
- Secret passenger
- Rules for transportation passengers and luggage
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