Passengers with disabilities
Azimuth Airlines meets the demands of all passengers providing an opportunity for unchallenged use of air transport.
Azimuth Airlines provides a wide range of special services maximally adapted for the needs of the disabled and handicapped persons. Special services are provided for free upon request executed and sent to the air carrier not later than 36 hours before the departure.
Azimuth Airlines can provide help to passengers at the airport in the following procedures:
- flight and luggage check-in;
- security check;
- passport control and border monitoring;
- transportation from the terminal building to the plane\from the plane to the terminal building;
- boarding/deplanement;
- hand-luggage accommodation on board.
Azimuth Airlines does not provide the following services:
- transportation from the wheel chair to the passenger seat during the flight;
- help in food acceptance;
- help in going to the toilet;
- quality medical care.
Procedure of providing services in supporting a handicapped passenger
In compliance with the law of the Russian Federation*, the passenger shall inform about the disabilities (if any) during air service booking and arrangement.
If s/he confirms the plane ticket online, after paying for the ticket the passenger shall send a request for support services to the air carrier at e-mail, attaching an itinerary receipt for the plane e-ticket to the e-mail or stating the ticket number and surname of the passenger in the email.
The request should contain the following information about the passenger:
- nature of disability;
- need of the support service at the airport;
- presence of an accompanying person;
- presence of a guide dog;
- number, size, weight and other properties of the individual means of transportation (including presence and specifications of the battery);
- necessity of transporting an oxygen concentrator, life-support medical equipment and its specifications;
- updated contacts (phone number).
If no request for providing special services has been made or such request has been after expiry of the term set by the air carrier, its staff should use the best efforts for providing the needed help to the passenger, but service provision is not guaranteed.
Currently conveyance of stretcher passengers is not performed.
Requirements to the presence of an accompanying person
Presence of an accompanying person who provides care of the passenger during the flight is obligatory:
- for persons with both visual and hearing disability;
- for a disabled child under 12 years old.
Presence of an accompanying person who provides care of the passenger during the flight is recommended to the following passengers:
- mentally disabled passengers;
- passengers with neurodevelopmental alterations;
- passengers who have difficulties with understanding the crew members during passenger instruction;
- passengers with disorientation;
- passengers with behaviour control disorder;
- passengers who need permanent care;
- passengers who need medical aid;
- passengers who need help in hygiene procedures and going to the toilet.
Azimuth Airlines can take passengers with visual or hearing disabilities or wheelchair users on board without an accompanying person.
Conveyance of passengers with visual disabilities can be performed if accompanied by a guide dog.
Passengers with adjudicated legal incapacity should be conveyed upon request of the parents, adopters or conservators and accompanied by an adult who can provide security for the incapable and the surrounding persons.
If the accompanying person is absent during the check-in in the cases when its presence is obligatory, it is not allowed to convey the passenger.
Services at the airport and on board of the aircraft
For preflight procedures we recommend to arrive for check-in at the airport beforehand (not later than 2 hours before the departure flight stated in the schedule).
For receiving services requested from the air carrier before, one should address the check-in desk for informing the staff about the arrival to the airport.
Disabled and handicapped persons should be serviced at the check-in desk with no waiting in line.
Handicapped passengers should be boarded before general boarding of passengers.
Please arrive to the departure gate not later than the time of departure stated in the hanger.
In case of a check-in at the airport medical health post see the airport website for the arrival time and service procedure.
A handicapped passenger may take the following items on board (without additional fare): spikes, cane, foldable walker, required drugs if such items a carry-on ones and are not included in the luggage. If the stated items are checked-in as luggage their weight should be considered during weighing and transported within the rate of free luggage transportation.
The wheelchair as the means of transporting a handicapped passenger should be transported for free as excess luggage. The passenger can register the wheelchair at the check-in desk at the airport or use it before boarding.
Cabins of aircraft of Azimuth Airlines have passenger seats equipped with raisable armrests for convenient transportation of handicapped passengers from the wheelchair to the seat.
For convenience the passenger can book and register one or more additional seats in the cabin using the "additional seat" service. The service is fee-based. For making an order please call (863) 302 – 02 -20 (air carrier call center) before purchasing the plane ticket.
Please note that Azimuth Airlines can unilaterally terminate the contract for air conveyance of a passenger if the health condition of the latter requires specific conditions of air conveyance or threatens the safety of the passenger itself or other persons if this is confirmed by medical documents and causes nonrecoverable inconveniences for other persons.
* The Air code of the Russian Federation, "General rules of air conveyance of passengers, luggage, cargos and requirements to servicing passengers, consignors and consignees" approved by Order No.82 of Ministry of Transportation of Russia of 28.06.2007, Order No.24 of Ministry of Transportation of Russia of 15.02.2016 "On approval of the Procedure of providing services to disabled and handicapped passengers at airports and aircraft".
- Documents and regulations for passengers
- Charter flights
- Military Travel Certificate
- Comfort
- Extension of registration
- Secret passenger
- Rules for transportation passengers and luggage
- Moscow - Termezfrom 9255 ₽
- Saratov-Ufafrom 17660 ₽
- Ufa-Samarkandfrom 7839 ₽
- Tbilisi-Ufafrom 9347 ₽
- Mineralnye Vody-Ivanovofrom 5180 ₽
- Cheboksary-Surgutfrom 3280 ₽