Ensuring transport and aviation safety on board of aircraft
In order to ensure transport and aviation safety on the aircrafts of AZIMUTH Airline JSC, the following conduct rules for passengers are established.
Passengers have the following rights:
- demand for the rendering of all services provided by the conditions of the air carriage agreement;
- in event of the life, health or personal dignity hazard, adress the employees of AZIMUTH Airline JSC with a request to take measures to protect them.
Passengers are obliged:
- read and follow these Conduct rules established in the Airline Company, as well as the Safety rules and Rules for the carriage of baggage in the cabin at moment of paying for and/or issuing the ticket, or in the official website of the Airline Company;
- unconditionally satisfy the orders of the staff of ground services, authorized representatives, the captain of the aircraft and other crew members at following locations:
- at the departure airport on the check-in line and in the landing stage on board of the aircraft;
- at the point of pre-flight inspection of passengers and their carry-on luggage;
- on board of aircraft before take-off and during the flight;
- at intermediate airports and airports of final destination.
- to place in the cabin of the aircraft «carry-on luggage» and «cabin baggage» in specially designated places in accordance with the rules of carriage of baggage in the cabin;
- keep the seat belts fastened when the «Fasten seat belts» indicator is on (it is recommended to keep the seat belts fastened during the whole flight);
- to keep the peace.
On board of an aircraft, passengers are prohibited from following actions:
- create situations that threaten the safety of the flight, life, health, honor and dignity of other passengers and crew members, and also it is prohibited to apply against them any verbal abuse, threat, and all the more so the physical violence;
- during the flight to drink alcoholic beverages, except for those offered on board of the aircraft free of charge and from the range of a paid mini-bar;
- being under the influence of alcohol, offending human dignity and public morality (Article 20.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses);
- smoke on board of aircraft during the whole time of flight, including electronic cigarettes;
- create conditions that are uncomfortable for other passengers and prevent the crew members from fulfilling of their duties;
- make damage to the property owned by the Airline and/or take it out from the board of aircraft;
- use life-saving and survival equipment without appropriate crew instructions;
- use electronic devices and communication equipment during taxiing, take-off and landing of the aircraft;
- open the sealed packages purchased at duty-free shops before the end of the flight.
The carrier can unilaterally terminate the passanger air carriage contract, cargo air carriage contract, if the passenger of the aircraft violates the Conduct rules on board of aircraft, creates a threat to the safety of the flight of the aircraft or threatens the life or health of other persons, and also in the case if the passenger of aircraft refuses to satisfy the orders issued by the captain of an aircraft in accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (Clause 6, Part 1, Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation).
During the flight of an aircraft in accordance with Articles 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 of the Convention and Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure flight safety, the captain of aircraft has the following rights:
- take a final decision on the take-off, flight and landing of the aircraft, as well as on the termination of the flight, return to the aerodrome or emergency landing in the event of a clear threat to flight safety in order to save lives;
- issue orders to any person on board of the aircraft and to claim for performance of such orders with intent to ensure the safety of the flight of the aircraft;
- apply all necessary measures, including enforcement measures against persons who with their actions create an immediate threat to the safety of the flight of an aircraft and refuses to satisfy the orders of the captain of aircraft;
- remove such persons from the aircraft upon arrival at the nearest aerodrome, and in case of committing an act containing the elements of an administrative offense or a crime, forward them to law enforcement authorities.
According to the policy regarding the drinking of alcoholic beverages by passengers and observed by the Airline Company, cabin crew members of the aircraft are entitled with the following rights:
- stop serving the alcoholic beverages for passengers being in a state of alcohol intoxication or any other intoxication;
- to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, aviation safety and flight safety requirements, confiscate from passengers during the flight (with a subsequent return after the flight) their alcoholic beverages purchased at duty-free shops at airports or on board of the aircraft.
If the nearest planned or emergency landing is occurred in the event of a violation by the passenger of the Conduct rules, who is a threat to flight safety or a threat to the life or health of other persons, and also in the case if the passenger of aircraft refuses to satisfy the orders of the captain of an aircraft, the following measures may be applied:
- removing the violating passenger from the board of aircraft and unilateral termination by the Airline of the passanger air carriage contract that has already been concluded without compensation of its cost (on the basis of Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation);
- imposition and collection of a fine established in the landing country, as well as compensation for material damage caused by the passenger of the airline company, including (in case of emergency landing) compensation for the performing of emergency landing;
- forwarding of violating passengers to law enforcement authorities in case of committing an act containing the elements of a crime.
Liability of passengers for violation of the Conduct rules provide for the following:
- on domestic airlines of the Russian Federation - liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
- on international airlines - liability in accordance with the requirements of international air law and legislation in force in the landing country, no matter of the country in which the aircraft used for the performing of flight is registered or operated;
- citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation who committed crime outside the country aimed against citizens or property of the Russian Federation are liable to criminal prosecution upon return to Russia if there is no court decision of a foreign country with respect to persons committed such crime, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 12 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Sanctions applied to violators of the Conduct rules:
- refuse by the persons being on board of aircraft to satisfy the lawful orders of the captain of an aircraft is the grounds for bringing them to administrative responsibility under Part 6 of Article 11.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (put into force on basis of Federal Law №336-FZ dated December 21, 2009), which provides for punishment in the form of an administrative fine in the amount from two thousand to five thousand rubles or an administrative arrest for period up to fifteen days;
- delivery or assistance in the delivery of persons, carry-on luggage or baggage, cargo, mail, on-board resources that have not passed through inspection, or items or substances not allowed for carriage on board of aircraft is punishable by an imposition of administrative fine: for citizens - in the amount from one thousand to three thousand rubles; for officials - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles (Clause 4 of Article 11.3.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, put into force on basis of Federal Law №336-FZ dated December 21, 2009).
- reimbursement by the violating passenger of the material damage caused by him to the Airline due to damage of the property owned by company;
- removal of the violating passenger from the aircraft at the nearest landing point, and in the event of an aircraft emergency landing, compensation by the passenger of the additional costs incurred by the Airline as a result of his unacceptable conduct;
- forwarding of an violating passenger to law enforcement authorities, regardless of the landing country (imprisonment in some countries for period up to two years);
- informing the competent authorities with the purpose to revocation of visas issued by both the Russian Federation and other countries;
- giving the incident maximum publicity in the media and on special Internet websites.